Apple Watch OS2 – Things You Need To Know

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Apple’s previous smartwatch models have created a lot of stir in the market. Apple’s products have been known to create a lot of buzz worldwide and this is smartwatches are no exception. Apple’s Watch OS2 is expected to be nothing short of this expectation. The release date for Apple Watch OS2 is 16 September 2015, just a couple of days away. There are many premium features which would make this watch another must-to-have flashy gadget for the early adapting tech lovers.


 Emails Apple Watch Email is one feature not present in the previous version of Apple watches. And now, Apple, taking notice of it, has included it. The new OS 2 Watch empowers you to easily reply to all incoming emails. You will be able to reply to the emails just like normal text messages directly from your wrist. Some of the other love-to-have features include smart responses, emojis, and voice dictation.

Nightstand Mode

night stand Apple Watch Apple has introduced the new Nightstand Mode. When you rest your watch sideways during charging, the text will automatically rotate to a 90 degree angle to show it to you horizontally. The Digital Crown acts as snooze button and you can use side button to turn off the alarm. You can also switch on and off the display screen depending on your display preferences.

Third Party App Display

The earlier versions of the Apple watch were not that efficient in displaying third party apps. The challenge was obviously surmounting owing to very small screen space available. Now, you can access important information right on your wrist. Like for example, you may be interested in knowing about the charging left in your electrically charged car, home controlled systems, and flight times.

Music On Your Apple Watch

Music On Your Apple Watch Music has always been an important priority for Apple since they came up with the first iPod. The new music interface for the watch has been redesigned. Quick Play, which was earlier missing has been added to have you conveniently shuffle between music files.  A volume indicator will be added to make it easy for you to easily control the sound. The new interface will also show the source used for playing the music.

Sensors and Controls

Sensors and Controls apple watch The Digital Crown, which was only used for zooming in and out offering additional functionality. By rotating the crown will show you different events including weather updates and news headlines. The sensors will allow you to control the lights of your house right from your wrist. Voice memo app with an active microphone will enable you to send voice messages on the go. Accelerometer added to the watch will definitely make the device more powerful, enabling users to take more advantages of its features. The developers would certainly make use of vibrational feedback and sounds to create new types of alerts.

Display Settings

The new Apple Watch OS2’s screen will stay on for up to 70 seconds unlike the previous models that lasted only for 15 seconds.

Tetherless Wi-Fi

Tetherless Wi-Fi Now, Apple Watch will be connectable to open Wi-Fi networks. And it will directly make the connection without requiring you to first connect your phone with the Wi-Fi network. Now you do not need to take your phone with you just to hook your watch to an available Wi-Fi internet connection.

Watch Faces

apple Watch Faces Apple currently has 10 customizable Apple Watch Faces. And more watch faces are expected to be released with the unveiling of Apple Watch OS2. Similarly, the information labels will be improved to make sure that the overall look and feel is bettered significantly.

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