If major news websites are to be believed then Google is working on a service, Copresence, that will help android users to share files with Apple iOS users via Wi-Fi. Reportedly, it uses location data (including Bluetooth) to set up the connection; after that, you can send directions, photos and other info without having to either bump devices or rely on cloud storage options like Google Drive or Dropbox. The technique shouldn't require a Google account, either. It the details are accurate, Copresence should be available within a matter of weeks. Having said this, you shouldn't expect a file sharing Utopia. The feature is most likely to be limited to Google apps at first, and it's probably not going to be a system-wide feature on at least iOS -- you may have to be satisfied with exchanging files through a handful of programs. Still, that's better than the walled-off sharing you likely deal with today. it isn't exactly clear what the service will look like in action. From the information currently available, it's possible that the feature could help Google compete with the new interconnected functionality between Apple devices. For example, the latest version of OS X lets users keep apps in sync between their iPhones and computers using a service called Continuity.