Every business wants to take advantage of the new technologies, particularly social media marketing and what better than letting your potential customers know whenever a customer shows up at your doorstep. Let us have a quick overview of some exciting benefits that your business can draw. Offer Free Internet To Your Customers Ever wondered what it means for customers to get a free Wi-Fi. Well, to say the least, if the customers need to compare among two cafes, they would like to sit in the one that offers free internet. Therefore, when you are offering them free internet, it would definitely ensure that your business is preferred by customers over your competitors that are not offering any free internet access. As soon as the customers log in via their Facebook account, their status is updated, letting their friends on Facebook know that they visited your business i.e a café or a restaurant etc. The Facebook Wi-Fi offers simple connectivity without the need to enter any codes to enter. Similarly with Facebook Wi-Fi customers can choose to log in manually each time they visit a place or automate the logging in process. Attract More Customers When customers check-in to your business and the update is posted on their Facebook page, it automatically creates interest among all those people who see these updates. When people log in to Wi-Fi they will be prompted to like your Facebook page. This will result in more likes every time some new customer visits for the first time. The Facebook Wi-Fi makes it super-easy to brand your business and let the new customers know about its existence. Similarly, wider audience ensures that even all of the potential customers cannot visit you, but they sure know about your business’ name and may visit in the future whenever in town.
Improved Facebook Ranking All Facebook pages are not ranked equally. If your business’ Facebook Page has more number of fans, it will help you drive more traffic from the social network as well as search engines like Google. Therefore, one other benefit that would go in your business’ favor is increased number of traffic. One of the key indicators of successful online business is increased number of organic visitors. This will allow you to get more organic visitors and resultantly increase more business online. And hey, if you are looking for Facebook Wi-Fi to install at your business premises, Hotspotsolutions.ae also offers that service to its customers.