How To Find Internet Anywhere In The World?

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Wireless internet is a necessity like oxygen for most of us. No matter if you have an internet related or not, you need internet for so many different things. Wi-Fi comes in really handy when you are on the move or travelling to some unfamiliar region. Let us discuss some of the easiest ways of helping you find Wi-Fi internet anywhere in the world

Phone Tethering-wireless network solutions-WhitehatsMe

Phone Tethering

One of the ways in which free internet can be used is tethering your smartphone. Most of the modern smartphones support the tethering feature. You can use it tether your 3G or 4G internet connections for your computer. There are many good android and iOS apps available through which you can tether your internet connection. iPhone users need to have a jailbreak phone. Similarly, the Android phone users need to root their smartphone for Wi-Fi tethering. However, you can do USB tethering without the need for rooting your device.

Wi-Fi from Your Cable Company-wireless network solutions-WhitehatsMe Wi-Fi from Your Cable Company

Many cable companies these days offer internet to their users as well. The free access to the Wi-Fi internet around your town or city is something that you need to explore. In many big cities cable providers do offer hotspots at different locations. In order to use a free Wi-Fi provided by your cable operator, you need to check the website of your service provider. You can download mobile app provided by the cable company to use or locate their hotspots near you.

Mac Spoofing-wireless network solutions-WhitehatsMe Mac Spoofing

There are times when you need to connect to Wi-Fi for more than a few hours. In case you do not want to get up and try finding another hotspot, you can do some Mac spoofing. You can either spoof a new MAC address for a few hours. And if you need Wi-Fi for longer than few hours, spoof someone else’s MAC address which provides unlimited access to paid service and gives you unlimited Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi Coupon Codeswireless network solutions-WhitehatsMe Wi-Fi Coupon Codes

If you have planned a bit in advance, you can stack up few Wi-Fi coupon codes which can come in handy at a later stage. Many websites offer Wi-Fi access coupons upon purchase to their customers. Many hotspot companies have partnered deals with the retailers or other businesses with large customer base to provide their customers with free Wi-Fi internet access. Go to Google to find the companies that offer Wi-Fi coupon codes to customers on regular basis. You can also decide on buying from a retail outlet that also offers these kinds of coupons.

Wi-Fi Loyalty Programs-wireless network solutions-WhitehatsMe Wi-Fi Loyalty Programs

Some large hotels and other businesses also offer Wi-Fi loyalty programs to their regular customers. If you join the loyalty program, you will be able to enjoy a free internet connection. Most of the loyalty programs are free to join and usually have no strings attached to them. However, watch out for that spam that they may send your way containing their latest deals and other marketing literature.

Search Hidden Networks & Use Hotspot Database-wireless network solutions-WhitehatsMe Search Hidden Networks & Use Hotspot Database

You may be in a place where there are no visible hotspots available. In that case there are many apps that you can install to know about the hidden hot spots or wireless network solutions which otherwise go unnoticed. Many of the electronic stores and places at the airports often have hidden Wi-Fi hotspots. However you do not need to mention that to the business that you located their Wi-Fi hotspot or else you won’t be able to find it in the future. There are many hotspot databases that contain addresses of Wi-Fi hotspots. These Wi-Fi databases include both rural and urban areas. You can easily find apps for Wi-Fi databases to use with your iPhone or Android.

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