You are looking for a data backup solution that doesn’t require any change of tapes? You want to do like aces do the data backup? You want a data backup solution that is flexible to be chosen? It is time for you to start thinking about using CDP backup solution for your office. CDP stands for Continuous Data Protection and Whitehats gives you 3 kinds of solutions to choose from
CDP is one of the best options to choose for the purpose of data back up as not only does it save the data in real time but also the changes made in that data on your computer is instantly saved on your data backup. This gives you an opportunity to retrieve your data back to the last moment details before your original data got screwed because of some malfunction. Changes in the data storage are saved onto a separate storage location when CDP is utilized.
CDP provides you with an opportunity to restore objects like
Our qualified and experienced team of IT professionals can provide you CDP backup solutions with the help of utilities like
Apart from these services, we’ll be more than happy to provide services from a particular vendor/manufacturer of our client’s choice as well because Whitehats has this policy of not being restricted to any particular hardware or software.
As part of our CDP based solutions we also provide BMR solutions to our customers. Bear Metal Recovery (BMR) solutions come handy when you lose trust on a particular OS and want to transfer your data to another OS. BMR saves and restores files regardless of the OS requirements. It also saves the data from a particular server for the purpose of a backup and then replicates it without a single difference onto another server.
Whitehats carries the necessary experience to secure and restore data files with its CDP solutions. All you need to do is to trust us and we’ll provide you with best Data Recovery solution in the market that will not only save your data in real time but will provide you with peace of mind even in case of a mishap.