Microsoft has launched new update for its famous gaming console Xbox one which will give gaming enthusiast a chance to enjoy customization and twitter. A year after launch, the console now has customizable backgrounds. You'll be able to set an achievement image or any other photo from a USB drive as your homescreen wallpaper, replacing the black backdrop we've all been staring at for months. That's not the only new customization feature: the bio and location fields, which disappeared during the transition from the Xbox 360, are now back in your profile, and there's a new "showcase" that allows you to mark a handful of achievements and gameplay clips to highlight to your friends. Twitter is now integrated into the console for the first time as well. You'll be able to share gameplay clips on the social network, but perhaps what's most interesting are lists in the OneGuide that highlight the most popular TV programs in your area on Twitter at any given moment. You can also keep tabs on a timeline of tweets on your favorite show with the MiniGuide while you watch. There are some other upgrades as well, including a new "What's On" tab on the homescreen that invites you to watch shows and movies on TV, Twitch or elsewhere.